VERDICT: Young scientists and kids at heart will appreciate this nostalgic look at a popular accidental invention. Found objects such as metal springs, dominoes, fuzzy pipe cleaners, and game pieces decorate the dioramic illustrations, adding a touch of whimsy to the scenes chronicling the Jameses’ entrepreneurial journey. The pictures capture the can-do attitude of the mid-20th century United States and mirror the clever creativity the inventor needed to bring his sensational toy to kids and parents across the country. One year after the loss of her fianc, Tia Hastings needed to find a way to start over.

Ford’s forthright narrative is informative, and his illustrations are as inventive as the engineer’s amusing new toy. Incidental: Occurring or likely to occur as an unpredictable or minor accompaniment Happenstance: A chance circumstance Neither was looking for it. I’ve learned a lot since I first started it first. million years did I expect that my first novelself-published by an unknown authorwould experience the success that Incidental Happenstance enjoyed.
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In that moment, the seeds of an idea are planted in his imagination, and with the help of his family, Richard James invents a new toy. Inhappily Ever After (Incidental Happenstance) - read free eBook by Desalvo, Kim in online reader directly on the web page. Read Online Incidental Happenstance Kim Desalvo Read Pdf Free If you ally habit such a referred Incidental Happenstance Kim Desalvo book that will have enough money you worth, get the unconditionally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. Read full Book InHappily Ever After (Incidental Happenstance) online free. Always a dreamer, Richard James watches in wonder one day as a torsion spring falls from a shelf in his office and its coils take a walk. Authoring his first nonfiction picture book, Ford introduces his readers to naval engineer Richard James and his wife, Betty James.
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